If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

Water is one of the most essential substances we need, and we are made mostly of it. There are many preventative and restorative health reasons why water is so good for us, and some of them are in this post. Also, I couldn’t help but to add some flavourful ideas at the end.

Health benefits:

Acts as a moisturizer/lubricant for inside your body –

Although moisturizing your skin may seem a little cosmetic to some, the idea of moisturizing or lubricating internal parts of your body should not. Moisturizing, in this case, can mean that your blood, bones, and brain are more hydrated. This helps oxygen flow more efficiently throughout your body, making muscles and mental activity function better. Dehydration causes your heart to pump faster, just to get enough oxygen to the muscles.

As hydrated muscles function better, it’s important to keep your joints healthy as well. Water also acts as a lubricant for areas between your bones. Think of it like a little oil to loosen up the joints.

For the above reasons, it is a great idea to drink water in the evening before bed. Keeping your blood stream and joints hydrated can help you sleep better because your body won’t have to work as hard.


Flushes out toxins & improved digestion –

Water also helps discard toxins. Just as it can rinse off dirt from your skin, drinking water helps “rinse” and remove waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation (TMI, I know! But it’s true).

As water flows through your system and rinses it off, it also helps to dissolve necessary minerals and nutrients to make it easier for your body to absorb. This is essential in the digestive process in order to separate waste from nutrients. Having water with your meals supports this process.

Another reason water is great for your digestion is it stimulates your organs and repairs cells. The stimulation gets your metabolism going, which is also why people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Personally, I keep water at my bedside to drink second thing in the morning (second only to brushing my teeth). Drinking water as soon as you wake up will make you feel more awake due to this stimulation.


Flavourful ideas:

  • Flavour your water – with lemon, cucumber, turmeric, mint, etc.
  • Make fruit water – blend water with watermelon, pineapple, berries, etc.
  • Adjust the temperature – warm or hot water can help digestions, whereas cold water can stimulate your system


  • The average adult is 55-60% water
  • People say you should drink eight 8oz glasses of water a day; however, this varies due to exercise, your environment, illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc.
  • “The average adult loses about 10 cups of water every day, simply by breathing, sweating, urinating and eliminating waste.” So, replenishing that is a minimum, and the benefits above are necessary extras. If you’re ever feeling off, try drinking a glass of water.






Photography source: mrjn Photography