Our days can be so jam-packed and fast-paced sometimes, that we all take some things for granted. So, what I often find myself doing is pausing, taking a deep breath, and reminding myself all that I have to be thankful for. Gratitude has been proven to have many benefits, some of which are explained below.


Adjusting your thoughts towards the good things that happened during your day gives your mind a powerful shift in emotional focus. Limiting negativity by focusing on something else, perhaps someone you are happy for, something you are proud of, or one little moment that made you smile, can reduce depression and make you happier.


Due to shifting away from negative thoughts, your mind has more time to recharge and digest all of the information and emotions that have been thrown at it. Similar to how people say frowning uses more muscles than smiling, focusing on negative thoughts takes more out of you than focusing on positive ones.


By putting your mind at ease via practicing gratitude and thus reducing stress, your body also benefits. Gratitude could lead to better sleep because gratitude helps the nervous system kind of “meditate,” so making a short list of things you are thankful for before bed relaxes your body. It can also improve motivation and discipline to eat well and exercise because gratitude and patience are related.


While practicing gratitude is beneficial for your health, expressing gratitude can also be beneficial. Telling someone that you are thankful for something they did, whether they held the elevator for you or did something bigger, showing appreciation increases the likelihood that they want to connect with you. This could be beneficial to both new connections as well as longer-term relationships.


All of these benefits can help you be your happiest self, but you also have to remember that like any habit or goal, it takes time. I hope this post has motivated you to take that time! I’d be happy to read any success stories or things you are thankful for in the comments. You can also post about it on Instagram and use the hashtag #coleBhappy.


Sources: TIME, Forbes, Greater Good Magazine

Photo from Unsplash artist Benjamin Davies