Summer is here! Some perform rain dances, but the birds performed sunshine songs for us, and for that, I am thankful. The summer weather means we get to relax in the sun, but it also means we get to collect that vitamin D via lots of outdoor activities. Below, you’ll find 20 things to do this summer, so go outside and have fun!

1. Go see a movie in the park

If your city or town doesn’t have movies in the park or drive-in theatres, then make your own in your backyard.

2. Get some fresh produce or flowers from the local farmer’s market

I live in a city, so if I want fresh produce, the farmers market is where to go. If you have space in your garden, though, you could also plant some fruits or veggies yourself.

3. Sit by a fire and eat some s’mores

Some of my favourite summer memories are with friends around a fire… there’s a certain Zen that brings people closer together.

4. Have a picnic

Just grab a blanket and some good food and enjoy. There are so many fun and easy places to have a picnic, whether by the lake, in your favourite park, or in your own yard.

5. Make your own summer reading list

Pick a book or two… or five. Do whichever you love and live briefly in the stories of another.

6. Grill some yummy food

While a traditional grill would be great in this case, you can either get a grill pan or see if a local park has a communal grill, too. The char on your meats, fish, veggies, and even some fruit is a delicious summer taste.

7. Get active outside

There are SO many ways to get active outside during the summer. Here’s a short list: run, bike, climb, kayak, sport (beach volleyball, soccer, tennis, swimming, etc.), group workouts (yoga, November Project, etc.), and so so much more.

8. Clean out your closet

Going through your clothes and the things in your closet to get rid of what you don’t use during the summer is a great way to feel the summer breeze… figuratively speaking.

9. Reduce your single-use plastic consumption

As you go outside and have fun on beaches and in nature, remember to clean up after yourself, and one great way to remember this is to have reusable supplies, such as silicone or metal straws, bamboo silverware, and reusable water bottles.

10. Enjoy some ice cream on a hot day

Nowadays, there are SO many great options, whether you have no restrictions, are dairy free, or on a health kick. My favourite “ice cream” when on a health kick is homemade banana “ice cream.” I’ve got a recipe for this on the way!

11. Snack on yummy fruits

Summer brings an abundance of fruit options, including cherries, berries, peaches, watermelon, etc. For a hot day, you can blend some fruit with water and ice, and really have a REFRESHment.

12. Cool down at the pool or at the beach

If you’re tired of putting water inside of you, you can put you inside of water.

13. Explore somewhere new

Whether it’s vacationing in a new country or just exploring a new area of town, it’s fun to be in new or unfamiliar surroundings.

14. Go dancing

Summer is a party, so go where the music is and let loose.

15. Donate something

Whether it’s donating the stuff you cleaned out of your closet or your time to volunteer in the community, YOU are making a difference. I guarantee it.

16. Nap in a hammock

Try telling me that the subtle sway while lying in a hammock doesn’t just relax you and basically force you to take a nap… I didn’t think you could. What better way to relax outside, amirite!?

17. Get cooking colourfully

Like I said earlier, there are some pretty great produce nature provides in the summer, and what’s more is the amazing colours they bring to our cooking, so get creative.

18. Go stargazing

I know, I’ve mentioned the sun a bunch, but this is basically the same thing, right? You get to look at too many suns (aka stars) to count. It’s phenomenal.

19. Make (or just eat) popsicles

Popsicles are basically ice, right?… but flavoured and often full of sugar. The sugar part doesn’t have to be the case if you make your own, but either way, a perfect chiller for a hot day.

20. Go to some festivals or fairs

Go see your favourite artists, musical or otherwise, or go to your local fair… or travel to one. It’ll all be under the most natural of all spotlights – the sun.


Photos from Unsplash artists Tim Mossholder, Anne Preble, Autumn Mott Rodeheaver, Britt Gaiser, Dan Dimitriu, Tan Nguyen Minh, Nil Castellvi, Sofia Mvila, Danielle MacInnes, Mark Cruz, Jacob Campbell, Joe Pizzio, Holly Mandarich, Ardian Lumi, Dakota Corbin, Toa Heftiba, Nicole Honeywill, Rad Pozniakov, Shunsuke Ono, and Danny Avila.